"I once considered taking A level biology, but Satan's Bitch went and crushed my dreams"
Okay, so I've never been fond of science, but biology. I used to be in a higher set but because I was having problems with my chemestry teacher I chose to be moved down in all my science classes.
Biology used to be my favourite science lesson, mainly because I understood it, but now, because of Satan's Bitch, I now dread going to biology and look forward to going to physics and chemestry. In fact, the tables have turned because I used to like biology and detest chemestry.
So, I've just found out that I'm on an E in science, which didn't make sense at first because I have the highest marks in the class, but because I missed 3 exams due to my holiday my mark is not quite as good as it should be. I thought that holidays were meant to be good for you, but mine just screwed me for life really.
It's about time I stop complaining isn't it?
Actually no, OWL CITY HAS SOLD OUT!! not fair!! I was meant to be going as part of my birthday present off Amy, but they sold out before she could get the tickets!! GAH!
Okay, now I'll stop complaining.
What I really wanted to talk about today is secrets.
Weird huh? I guess your thinking "what? why?"
Well this is something that has been playing on my mind since a big argument I had with my mam a while back, that got me kicked out of the house for three-four days.
When me and my mother had this argument I kinda got kicked out and kinda left out of my own will. I went to stay with my dad for a while and alot of secrets came spilling out when the flood gates were opened. I was told things that I won't repeat on here, mainly for privicy.
It's weird when your told something that you really didn't expect to happen, when the past gets dug up from where it was resting nicely and is ripped apart and every thing is revealed. I had to stop my self from loathing my mother. I don't loath her. I didn't like her very much at the time, because of what I was told, but I didn't loath her.
I'm not sure if I've told anyone what was said, I think maybe because It's painful to remember the turth to actually say it out loud.
This is where I contradict my self again isn't it, because I remember once saying it's always better to tell people your problems and get it out of your system, but now, I'm not too sure.
If I told anyone, surly it would just make it worse? so that's why I keep it to myself, even when I'm arguing with my mother and I'm dying to word vomit the past onto her, things that she never thought I'd find out.
So, I havn't been very helpful or anything today, which is my main goal in blogging even if my blogs arn't that useful anyway, sorry about that.
Untill we meet again my buds (:
Here if you wanna talk :) x