Wednesday, 8 August 2012

I Don't Want To Grow Up!

Recently my boyfriend and I have been talking about living together and in 3 weeks time we're hopefully going to do just that! I'll finally be flying the nest and moving into the big, bad world of adulthood, and it's scaring the living day lights out of me.

How do I know if I'm ready to grow up? I mean, I want nothing more in the world than to live with my lovely boyfriend, but I'm so used to having everything done for me, being wrapped up in bubble wrap and not having to worry about where my next meal is coming from. I can imagine no-one ever wants to leave that stage of their life, but it's inevitable, I know that, so the sooner I do it, the better right? I hope so.

Results day is fast approaching, and I'm shitting bricks. The 16th of this month is D-day, I will find out if I will be attending university, or weather I'll be working in Greggs The Bakers for the rest of my life. Lord give me strength.

I'm on the verge of a breakdown just thinking about it all. There will be no more lazy days of doing nothing but lying in the sun and reading. It'll all be cleaning, studying, cooking, studying, paying bills and a bit more studying. How do people do it? It seems all too much already, and I'm still living the cushy lifestyle of my pink bed room, with pillows and teddies and my meals being made for me by my Dad and Step-mum.

Time to put my big girl pants on and make the move.