Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Racism-It works both ways

*Note- this is a subject that I tend to get worked up about so I apologise in advance if I ramble or rant (:

So we all here about 'black' people being picked on by 'white' people, but we rarely hear about how white people get racist comments thrown at them by black people.
Take school for example, if you ever (EVER) say something potentially hurtful or racist to a person of a different race to you (only if your white mind) you'll be called racist and picked up on by a teacher and you'll be spoken to about how your comments are inapropriate, HOWEVER, if a black person ever says anything potentially hurtful or racist to a white person it is usually looked over and nobody cares.

I only bring this up because of an insitend the other day in PE.
Myself and my friends were playing rounders with some of the muslim lads. We were trying to play properly but it's hard when every member of your team is being called or your having verble abuse thrown at you. I mean, it wasn't paticually racist, there were a few comments that included us being white and what not but nothing too bad. One poor boy on our team was getting hit with the rounders bats by some of the muslim boys, myself and two other girls had various comments said about our weight and the rest of the team also had a few comments about them.

In another situation I would have shouted comments back, because that's just how I am...not too calm in these kinda situations, but because they were the race they are I didn't because I knew for a fine fact that I would have been the one who got told off for being 'racist'.

I'm not racist, not at all, I have many friends from many different ethnic backgrounds but it really annoys me when people turn a blind eye to racism when its the 'whites' being discriminated, it's kinda like no-one cares because were white and their black so therefore it's not racism...it is.

Another thing that really annoys me, and this happened in the rounders game too, when people from other countries speak their own language when their around me and my friends when they can blatently speak english. Don't get me wrong, when they're with their friends and family, sure, it's their first language so they have every right to, but when their clearly talking about me or the others in their own language it really pee's me off. This is ENGLAND!! SPEAK ENGLISH! WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN!!!

Okay, rant over.
Sorry if I've offened anyone reading, not that anyone actually reads these things, but these are my veiws, and I would love to know what you think aswell (:


  1. my view: i dont see why i couldnt have hit them numerous times with teh rounders bat :LL

  2. because if I had killed them by doing that I would have been arrested!
