Thursday, 21 January 2010

Sound Track Of My Life

Well mes aimes, How are you?
I've got to tell you I'm not too good right's got nothing to do with me, not really, these arn't my emotions...I'm not brilliant with handeling people when they get all emotional on me, I tend to blab on and try and make them smile again, like I said, I'm not to good with handeling things like that, and it seems to me that alot of people around me are having alot of problems lately "/it's not good.
So, I'm going to try and lighten the mood.
If you know me well, you'll know that my life revolves around music, I l.o.v.e music! It's just who I am, so I have decided to make a regular blog called "Sound Track Of My Life" where I tell you the songs I've been listening in the past couple of days or so, sometimes they tend to sum up how I've been feeling.Who knows, I might even tell you the songs I've been detesting latly?
So, lets begin...
1) gives you hell - All American Rejects (Basicly, every time I hear this song I smile because i imagine a certain someone seeing me one day and being like "Frick, what did I hurt her for" that gives makes me smile)
2) Havn't met you yet - Micheal Buble (Because I havn't met him yet)
3) Canvas Bags - Tim Minchin (lets do something drastic to rid the world of plastic)
4) I'm Yours - Jason Maraz (It's a feel good song and I like the scatting in it)
5) Fireflies - Owl City (Okay, lets just get one thing straight, I am Not Listening to owl city because it's in the charts, I listen to owl city because because I was meant to be going to see them but the ticket were sold out and now I can't go ): )
6)Don't stop believeing - Journey (Not!!!!! The glee cast!!)
7)Everyday Combat - lostprophets (good song)

and Now I cant think of anything else because grace is kicking me in the back
bye for now (:

Some people just get dealt the crappy cards of life

So, the other day I went out to newcastle with my friends, went to the metro centre and had a pretty good time out. We got the metro home, and I was panicing a bit because the train was going really fast and rocking alot, Cam decided it would be really funny to make me even more scared by saying that we were going to come off the tracks.
Anyway, I was sitting there listening to my iPod trying to ignor the fact that Cam was staring with a scary look on his face to freak me out further. I heard someone drop something and I looked up and saw that the man standing at the metro doors had dropped his book and he was bending over to pick it up, then he started shaking, he couldn't reach his book, he had gone completely white and looked like he was going to collapse. Fortunatly the man sitting down stood up and helped him to a seat and some other people ran up to tell the driver to stop because we needed help. I couldn't help but stare, neither could the rest of the train. I wanted to go up to him and help, but there was nothing I could do. He was taken away and looked after by a nice couple on the Metro. Seeing that made me think about my work's expo, when Rory took a fit, how I was upset just hearing about it, what would I be like if I had to actually deal with it as part of my job? My friend was very comforting and said something that inspired me to write this blog.
"Some people get dealt the bad hand in life, I mean look at you, you've had some pretty crappy card, but look at you now"
Or something to that effect, and It made me thing, yeah some people do get dealt the crappy cards of life, I mean, I was made homeless at the age of 13, but look how I've turned out, I'm happy with life now, I made the most of what I have. Some people get dealt worse cards than others, but you need to just make the best of it, because other wise you'll let it stop you living your life, and that is not the way to go. So go out there and enjoy yourself, no matter your condition, or homelife, because if you let it get to you, your letting it win, and never let anything beat you.

Friday, 15 January 2010

One Day I Will Be a Na'vi

If you havn't been to see Avatar yet I suggest you go right now. Well, not right now, but maybe after you read this blog or something.
I'm not going to go Into the whole story of Avatar and spoil it for you, like I usually do, but I will tell you this, I want to be a really tall blue person who can ride amazing flying creatures and shoot arrows with absolute precision.
One day I will be, a Na'Vi and live in a big tree on Pandora.
There is a reason behind this of course, A strange reason at that, and here it is:
I want to be able to chose my life partner under a tree that will hear me prayers.
Weird isn't it? That a tree can hear and answer your prayers, how odd. It's kinda romantic, and thats how soppy I am, I want to chose my life partner under a sacred tree.
it's not like I'm religous or anything, far from it infact I just like the idea of being joined to your soul mate and love each other for ever.
Ofcourse, it would be nice if he was the perfect Na'vi for me like, someone I can argue with but not upset so much that they don't talk to be for about a month or something, because I must admit, I like a good debate, not a heated on where we're shouting at each other, but a one we can agree and disagree on and talk about and laugh about later on, because that's how light hearted it should be really.
Now I'm stuck on what to write about so I might just end it there.
Reading back on that, this blog was pretty pointless really, but you know me, just a randomer with too much time on her hands.

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Oh my giddy god's pajammas!!! I got an A in my english Exam and a C in my Maths Exam!!!
I can't believe it. This is amazing! Their putting me in for higher paper in my next exam in Maths and I only have to do literature in English now!! How amazing is that?
All my friends have done amazingly well too, which makes me even more proud!
But heres a bit of advice to anyone who didn't achieve what they wanted: Don't let it bumm you out. As long as you've tried your best theres not much more anyone could ask of you. And you get to resit, so next time, maybe take a little bit longer to revise, and when I say revise I don't been stare at the revision book and hope to absorb the contents, but read it, practise and ask for help when you need it.
Do you think I got my passes by staring at the computer screen and thinking "yeah, I should maybe revise now....hmm maybe later...".
Nope, Well okay, I must admit I do that sometime but hey I'm only human. What I'm saying is that when you get that feeling, finish the thought with "Actually, I think I will..." and pick up that book, pick up your reading specs, turn off the laptop/computer and phone and get studying, because that is the only way your going to pass, unless ofcourse your superwoman/man and you can do anything without trying, or your my brother who seems to be able to do anything without revising.
So if it's alright with you, I'm going to do some french revision now and cross my fingers and hope to god I don't die next lesson.

Monday, 11 January 2010

It's in my biology

"I once considered taking A level biology, but Satan's Bitch went and crushed my dreams"
Okay, so I've never been fond of science, but biology. I used to be in a higher set but because I was having problems with my chemestry teacher I chose to be moved down in all my science classes.
Biology used to be my favourite science lesson, mainly because I understood it, but now, because of Satan's Bitch, I now dread going to biology and look forward to going to physics and chemestry. In fact, the tables have turned because I used to like biology and detest chemestry.
So, I've just found out that I'm on an E in science, which didn't make sense at first because I have the highest marks in the class, but because I missed 3 exams due to my holiday my mark is not quite as good as it should be. I thought that holidays were meant to be good for you, but mine just screwed me for life really.
It's about time I stop complaining isn't it?
Actually no, OWL CITY HAS SOLD OUT!! not fair!! I was meant to be going as part of my birthday present off Amy, but they sold out before she could get the tickets!! GAH!
Okay, now I'll stop complaining.
What I really wanted to talk about today is secrets.
Weird huh? I guess your thinking "what? why?"
Well this is something that has been playing on my mind since a big argument I had with my mam a while back, that got me kicked out of the house for three-four days.
When me and my mother had this argument I kinda got kicked out and kinda left out of my own will. I went to stay with my dad for a while and alot of secrets came spilling out when the flood gates were opened. I was told things that I won't repeat on here, mainly for privicy.
It's weird when your told something that you really didn't expect to happen, when the past gets dug up from where it was resting nicely and is ripped apart and every thing is revealed. I had to stop my self from loathing my mother. I don't loath her. I didn't like her very much at the time, because of what I was told, but I didn't loath her.
I'm not sure if I've told anyone what was said, I think maybe because It's painful to remember the turth to actually say it out loud.
This is where I contradict my self again isn't it, because I remember once saying it's always better to tell people your problems and get it out of your system, but now, I'm not too sure.
If I told anyone, surly it would just make it worse? so that's why I keep it to myself, even when I'm arguing with my mother and I'm dying to word vomit the past onto her, things that she never thought I'd find out.

So, I havn't been very helpful or anything today, which is my main goal in blogging even if my blogs arn't that useful anyway, sorry about that.

Untill we meet again my buds (:

Friday, 8 January 2010

Well, happy new year to you :D

It's been a while hasn't it? I guess my mind has been blank for longer than I thought, but I've thought of something to write!

a short while ago I looked at my thumb and it reminded me of something that I thought was long forgotten. I asked a friend if her thumb had ever reminded her of something, she said no but her foot had. So I felt slight less insane.

I thought I would forget soon enough what I was reminded of, I really thought it would be for the best, but I didn't forget, and I still havn't fogotten.

Lying in bed crying, I thought I would do anything to forget, but thinking about it now, maybe It's best not to forget. Learn from your misktakes and everthing right?

Sometimes you percieve things wrong. I thought I was going through the worst time of my life and then I remembered my past and thought
"You know what? I'm strong than this."
I dried my eyes and listened to my iPod remembering everything I once thought I wanted to forget. I've realised that no matter how crappy things might seem, you should always be able to look back, and think, 'I did it, I moved past it'.

Waking up in the morning I went about my normal routine, and yeah, I might have seemed a bit haunted in a way, but I was just pleased that I was strong enough to get on with life, instead of letting it stop me in my tracks and spoil my life.