Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Oh God...

I seriously can't believe this is happening to me.
Okay, well, theres a story behind this blog entry, but I'm going to cut it short.
My ex boyfriend cheated on me when I was on holiday. Yeah, pretty blunt.
well guess what, I just found out who he cheated with.
Yeah, bummer. And I know it should hurt as much as it does, but what makes it hurt more is that it was my friend. Well, someone I know rather well and talk to on MSN.
She tried so hard to be my friend, to meet me in the town and get to know me better, to spend more time with me.
I think its safe to say we won't be doing any of these things anymore.
I know that in alot of my blogs I tend to bang on about how I'm getting over him and how I'm moving on in life, well, I still feel something for him, I guess thats always the case when it comes to the person you fell the hardest for.
Oh god, I really can't believe this, she was meant to be my friend, she always told me she would never go out with Mark incase she hurt me and she didn't want to do that, she bloody lied to me. Even when I told her he'd cheated on me, she went on about how much of a prick he is and how horrible and evil he is, AND SHE LIED BECAUSE SHE REALLY LIKES HIM TOO!!
She says she doesn't anymore because she has a boyfriend and Mark's a dick, but I know that her and her boyfriend will split up again like always and she'll go crying to Mark and they'll have a quick "feel good" shag to make her feel better...
...Okay that was harsh, and I shouldn't have said it, but...
Why does life deal me these crappy cards? Why is it always me?
I mean, I know everyone has bad points in life when they feel the same as I do now, But I've been through so much and now this? Just when things were seemingly getting better, My relationship went down the pan and I find out that my ex slept with one of my friends when I was on holiday. It seems like everything is going back downhill again...
And its not even if I can have a good old cry on the sofa with a tub of Ben and Jerry's, watch old sad movies till early hours in the morning and not get out of bed till one in the afternoon because I have stupid homework to do and school to go to tomorrow ):
God Damn It!!

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