Sunday, 13 September 2009

So Sick.

Have you ever had one of them moments when your sitting alone in your room and your feeling pretty okay, then all of a sudden, you feel really down?
I just had one of the moments, and its not really like anything influenced it. I mean, no-one was being mean to me, no-one had said anything to upset me, I just suddenly became really depressed. How odd.

so, this is what I did. I made a list. Well two lists really. One of the things that get me down and one of the things that cheer me up.
so, here they are.

List One, Things That Get Me Down.
1. Remebering Sad Things.

When I remember the death of my Nana, I get really upset. And lately I've started getting upset over Mark (my ex). I'm not sure why. I mean, When we first broke up I wasn't really as upset as I am about it now, I think its probably just because its really starting to hit me, and it doesn't help when one of my friends (well, more like aquatence) is constantly banging on about him and how much of a dick he is but how much she loves him. I hate to admit it, but maybe i'm the tiniest bit jelouse of her, that she gets to see him so much and she's such good friends with him and he doesn't want to talk to me anymore.
2.When My Friends Get Miss-Treated.
I was out with my friends the other day and one of them were very upset because her boyfriend was kicking off with her for one reason or another. He boyfriend once admitted to me that he was jelouse of me because I spend alot of time with his girlfriend. He also admitted that he thought that I was trying to steal her away from her. I had to explain to him that I was as straight as they get and that I had no sexual intrest in his girlfriend, she's just one of my best friends. He has a problem with all of her friends but for some reason he has an even bigger problem with me. Not sure why to be honest. But anyway, my friend felt the need to go home because she was so upset by what her boyfriend was saying to her and she thought that she was ruining the day for us, she wasn't, but her boyfriend was.
3. Sad Love Song.
They've just been making me feel alot worse to be fair. Is that what they're made for?
4. Constantly Being Put Down.
I get put down alot. Mainly by my little brother. I don't know why it bothers me so much...
I love to sing, so I sit in my room and sing quite loudly with or without music, then my brother comes in and tells me to shut up because i'm hideous, no one likes or loves me and I can't sing.
I've been told I can sing, and that I'm loved and I'm pretty, but when your brother comes and tells you differently, everything you've been told gets shattered and you feel crap about yourself.

And now for List Two
List Two, Things That Cheer Me Up.
1. Bubble Bath/Me Time

I love sitting in the bath with my "kind to sensitive skin" bubble bath and have some 'me time'. Its great, it gives you some peacefull time to think about everything your upset about. I find it best to go in the bath with your iPod. If your too afraid that you'll drop you presious in the bath, like I am, plug your speakers in and blast out your favourite tunes, and don't be afraid to sing at the top of your lungs and don't be afraid of anyone hearing you. If they do hear you, they'll just be glad your enjoying yourself.
2. Feel Good Movies
Mama Mai, Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging and Shrek are my favourite 'feel good' movies. I can sit and have a good old laugh at them and forget all my problems and get lost in the plot of the film and really enjoy myself. So hog the big TV, plonk yourself down on the sofa in your jammies with your favourite cusion and a bowel of popcorn or nacho chips relax.
3. Talking About My Problems.
Wether its in a blog, over msn, in person or simply over the phone, its good to talk about your problems. Don't be afraid to be a comfort seeker, talk to your friends who you know will sypathise with you and really listen and not pass judgment, the friends who know exactly what to say in the right places, because lets face it, you don't want to be telling your problems to someone who going to turn around and say "Well it's your own fault" or "You had it coming" because that just makes you feel even worse.
4. Curling Up With A Good Book.
For me, theres nothing better then curling up in bed with my favourite book, one that you can read over and over again and not get bored of, for me that's twilight or any jacqueline Wilson book. (Yes there a bit young for me now, but their still my childhood favourites.) if your not a reader then maybe lie in bed with your iPod or MP3 player and listen to the 'feel good' songs and absorbe the good lyrics

So their not very long lists this time, but I think they say alot, plus I'm trying to concentrate on writing my story, which i'm stuck on, the chapter im wrighting seems to be getting longer and longer than I intended it to be, but never mind, I just hope I havn't waffeled on too much, and I really hope it's not turning out Twilight-y

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