Sunday, 27 September 2009

We've Made Contact!!

After, like, two (maybe three) months, My ex boyfriend spoke to me.
So what?
It's like a major breakthrough for me because its not even like I provoced him or anything, I didn't start the conversation, and yeah, it was about school and stuff, but it's still a conversation isn't it?
It's weird really, but yeahh, I've just saw a picture of him and his current girlfriend, they look sweet together, and honestly, I'm not really too bothered by seeing it. No pang of jelousy, No regrets, No "gosh, I wish I was her", just "awhhh sweet".
But I have to say, I honestly don't know what they have in common, they share no common intrests as far as I know, she listens to totally different music to him (I'm not a stalker, I just know she loves JLS wereas he hates them) but mehh.
I want to go to the park,
not sure why really,
I just have the urge to go to the park with a sketch pad or my writing book and do something creative, however, I can't because I have to do the stupid ironing In a bit ¬¬

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