I bring this up because last night I was bored out of my mind and I was willing to do anything to kill off my boredom. I was even considering jumping out the window to see if it would hurt, then came a little glimmer of hope in the form of a tweet on twitter. A friend (well, more like aquantance) posted a tweet telling twitter about his live streem and how he was online and his friend was doing a talk. Now, its no secret that my aquantance is a geek, lets nickname him CuteGeek, and I have a bit of a thing for geeks, so I jumped at the opertunity to see his lovely braced smile and kill my boredom at the same time and clicked on the link.
So there he was in all his glory on my laptop screen, chatting away to some people on the chat room, so I thought Hey, I'll join the chat! So I did. And this is where I felt like the new girl.
I didn't know how to work anything. There was all these codes I could use but I didn't know what any of them did, so I decided I best just leave them otherwise my laptop might just self destruct.
So there I was listening to CuteGeek's Friend chatting away about swine flu, and global warming and blah blah blah, I wasn't really interested, so I asked CuteGeek Why his msn wasn't working, then one stupid bloke asked "Why? CuteGeek (Only he used his real name) Doesn't even have msn, and even if he did he wouldn't give it to you, just email him"
I had to refrain from saying: Hey buddy, shut up because he does have msn, and he give it to me personally, and at least I actually know him and not just some randomer half way across the country on his chat!!!
Insted I stuck with: Urm okay.
He replied with:Who are you? CuteGeek's Girlfriend?
I very nearly said "I wish" but I didn't, I just said no. It was one of those moments were you can't say I Wish Because then he know that you like him, and you wouldn't want to blow your cover but you also hide behind HAH! Ergh, no way man! Incase you hurt his feelings, so I just stuck with plain old No.
What made things worse was that I was the only girl in the chat, and I feel like I really let down girls all around the world with my lack of knowledge in computers and stupidity in basicly everything.
So, answer me this, have you ever found yourself in a situation like mine, or if not, can you describe a time when you were the new kid on the block?