Wednesday, 28 October 2009

The new girl in town

So, in everyone's life there is a time were you're the new kid right? It may be at school, or the place you just moved to, or maybe at a after school club or something. Everyone has a "new kid" phase, sometimes it can be really daunting, like when your at school because you might think I'll only ever been known as the new kid. Believe me, I get that, but you can totally work it to your advantage. Play on it. It gives you the perfect excuse to talk to that cute guy in your class, because you don't know your way to your next class and he obviously does.

I bring this up because last night I was bored out of my mind and I was willing to do anything to kill off my boredom. I was even considering jumping out the window to see if it would hurt, then came a little glimmer of hope in the form of a tweet on twitter. A friend (well, more like aquantance) posted a tweet telling twitter about his live streem and how he was online and his friend was doing a talk. Now, its no secret that my aquantance is a geek, lets nickname him CuteGeek, and I have a bit of a thing for geeks, so I jumped at the opertunity to see his lovely braced smile and kill my boredom at the same time and clicked on the link.
So there he was in all his glory on my laptop screen, chatting away to some people on the chat room, so I thought Hey, I'll join the chat! So I did. And this is where I felt like the new girl.
I didn't know how to work anything. There was all these codes I could use but I didn't know what any of them did, so I decided I best just leave them otherwise my laptop might just self destruct.
So there I was listening to CuteGeek's Friend chatting away about swine flu, and global warming and blah blah blah, I wasn't really interested, so I asked CuteGeek Why his msn wasn't working, then one stupid bloke asked "Why? CuteGeek (Only he used his real name) Doesn't even have msn, and even if he did he wouldn't give it to you, just email him"
I had to refrain from saying: Hey buddy, shut up because he does have msn, and he give it to me personally, and at least I actually know him and not just some randomer half way across the country on his chat!!!
Insted I stuck with: Urm okay.
He replied with:Who are you? CuteGeek's Girlfriend?
I very nearly said "I wish" but I didn't, I just said no. It was one of those moments were you can't say I Wish Because then he know that you like him, and you wouldn't want to blow your cover but you also hide behind HAH! Ergh, no way man! Incase you hurt his feelings, so I just stuck with plain old No.

What made things worse was that I was the only girl in the chat, and I feel like I really let down girls all around the world with my lack of knowledge in computers and stupidity in basicly everything.

So, answer me this, have you ever found yourself in a situation like mine, or if not, can you describe a time when you were the new kid on the block?

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

It's a little bit funny

Isn't it weird how changing or removing one little thing can make such a difference. So you probably havn't the foggiest about what I'm on about, so let me explain...
...Take my friend Rachel for example. If I'm tell my brother about what me and Rachel did in the town that day he'll probably say "which Rachel?" and I'll say "You know, Ginger Rachel"
Its not meant to be offencive, but when ever I think about Rachel I usually think of her amazing, curly, ginger hair. Thats just life.
Grace, from time to time I call her Blondie. This is for two reasons a) she's blonde and b) She is a typical blonde sometimes. However, If she was a brunette I wouldn't be able to call her blondie with out people looking at me with a confussed look on their face thinking What, is she colour blind?
But they're just little things. Lets move onto bigger things, but not quite the biggest.
The weather, isn't it weird how the weather can effect our physical well beings. Like winter, winter brings on colds, flu, pheumonia and hypathermia. At the moment i'm suffering from a cold, a very bad one at that. My brother is suffering man-flu. My mother has only just recovered from whatever she had, my yongest brother has a bad cold and my father is bound to get man flu soon.
Summer, summer brings on hayfever, its a bad time for exzma suffers in the summer too.
So now lets move onto the big things.
If my parents hadn't split up, would I have two brothers? Would I be as happy as I am now?
If I was different, just a small change in personality, would I live the life I live now? Would I have all my amazing friends?
If I hadn't met Grace, would I have met Mark? Would I still be sitting at the back of the class on my own with no friends?
All this probably means nothings to you, and you've probably already stopped reading, If you've getten this far, well done :P
But this is just something I was thinking about last night before I went to bed.
It's kinda like the Butterfly Effect or the Domino Effect, If you change one thing about your personality or your past, does it changed everything for you in the future?

Monday, 26 October 2009

Mmmmm....Hugh Jackman....

I recently watched the new X-Men movie, you know, the one all about Wolverine. Has anyone else seen it? I have to say, it was pretty amazing! There were a good few twists and It was good fun watching Hugh Jackman run naked through the country side :P
If Hugh Jackman isn't enough for you...does anyone watch lost??
I can just imagen Lou Lou perking up at this point, Yes Charlie from lost was in it, un fortunatly he was murdered with in the first 45 minutes, but he was in it all the same.
So my question to my fellow bloggers and X-Men fans is:
Do you think that the "mutants" are actually mutant freaks, or are they just people with special skills that no mere mortal could posses?
Makes you think doesn't it?
Come to think of it, the "mutants" are kinda like people with disablities (okay, I know that sounds mean, but please let me explain). They have different ablities and disablities just like disabled people. Take Rouge for example, She can't touch anyone without involentarly absorbing their memories, physical strength, and in the case of mutants, super powers. Pretty cool huh? Not really, you see, she wouldn't be able to hold hands with her boyfriend unless she was wearing gloves, she wouldn't be able to kiss some, and what not. Can you imagine how put out she must feel sometimes? Also, Some people look down on Mutants or make fun of them, just like some people make fun of people with disablities.
Okay, so enought about that.
If you could be a member of the X-Men, who would you be? This could be made up or an exsiting one. Please answer, I don't get many comments and I fancy a chat :P
I don't know who I would be, Although if I was involved with Wolverine or Gambit, I would be one happy mutant.

This is Gambit, he has the ablity to control imanimate objects with kinetic power. He also has a hypnotic charm, is a skilled card thrower and has the use of a staff. He is also very very fitt (:

Sunday, 25 October 2009

It's great to be able to say "I'm over you" and mean it

Thats it.

It's an amazing feeling. Well, the realisation that your over him is an amazing feeling.
You see, I didn't even realise untill I went to bed one night and I though "I didn't even pause at the bottom of the street to see if he was there". I hadn't thought about him all day and when I did, I felt nothing. No regret and no love for him at all. Not even the niggeling "like" feeling you get about some guys.

Another way I realised I was over him was that I was finally looking at other guys and potentials, hell I even flirted on a few occasions.
I've started likeing another boy, I actually like him a while back but didn't do or say anything about it.
So who knows what the future holds for me, and if the past is anything to go by then the future looks eventful.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Don't you just hate it when people twist what you say?

Okay, so heres the thing, myself and some friends were having a discusion about another friend's boyfriend. You see, I dislike him, mainly because of the way he treats me and others. He always acts like he's better than everyone else. He always treats me differently to the others, and he has this inexplainable problem with me, even he can't explain it. So yeah, myself and friends were talking about this, also about the way he treats his girl friend. They're happy together, but he's not fair on her, and I don't know wether she realises this but he's always dragging her away from us.

There have been times where I've thought, 'I'm going to say something, to both of them.' but then I don't because of two reasons:
1) He'll blow up at me-don't get me wrong, I don't really care what he thinks about me, but I still don't want to get in an argument with him
2) She'll not listen, or she'll listen then go in a huff with me and not talk to me, or she'll tell him and then they'll argue and then he'll get on to me and blame everything on me like he always does and call me hurtful names, same as above really.

So anyway, there was this boy with us at the time (lets call him he2) who is friends with him, so we told him2 not to tell him1 anything, so what does he2 go and do? He2 went and told someone else who told him1. confused yet? Yeah, it confused me too. So now, Him1 told his girlfriend that we all hate him, I don't hate him, I just dislike him sometimes because of reasons explained in the first paragraph.

Help anyone?
I've explained to my friend the situation and that I don't hate her boyfriend, but she's off school and hasn't emailed back, so you know, I'm gonna have to sit here and wonder 'Whats next?'

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

I never thought work could be this hard!!

Just a very quick entry to say that I'm struggeling with my Music work, I need like one more line and its really annoying me, It's gotta be 7 sylibles just like 'do you think anyone's tried'

Oh yeah, I need some help picking names for my elves... fancy lending a hand.
oh, and lou lou and gracie, you's can't vote because you've already voted.

Names Meanings Prononciation
Arien -Sunmaiden
Elwing -Starspray
Alena -Light
Venya -Beautiful (Vahn-yah)
Melda -Beloved (Mehl-dah)
Lostrariel -Blooming (Lost-are-ee-ell)
Anira -Desired (Ah-neer-ah)
Eleniel -Star (Ell-ee-nee-ell)
Véredhiel -Promise (Vare-eh-tee-ell)
Authiel -Battle maiden (Ow-thee-ell)
Melima -Loveable (Mell-ee-mah)

And the boys

Names Meaning Prononciation
Celeborn -Silver Tree (Sell-ee-born)
Aerandir -Sea wanderer ?
Sadron -Faithful (Sahd-ronn)
Maldor -Land of gold (Malh-door)
Aranion -King (Are-ahn-ee-on)
Alagos -A storm (Ahl-ah-gohse)
Eglerion -Of the woods (Ehg-lare-ee-on)
Manwë -Pure (Manh-way)

Monday, 12 October 2009

If the out come of falling in the bath with the hairdryer is being able to read minds, is it really such a bad thing?

Right Female readers around the world, who wishes that guys would understand you more? Even if their not your boyfriend or anything, maybe just a friend thats a guy, do you think that they really know whats going on in your head and know what you want when you want? They really don't have a clue do they? I know I wish that guys would understand me better. Even just guys that are in my class, or just my friends, I really wish they would really take the time to listen and understand me.

So what's the point in this blog? Well, the other night I was sitting and watching a film that I havn't seen in a long long time. What Woman Want. Basicly, this guy who really has no idea about woman is given a package off a new worker at his work. She gives all the colleges a box of female beauty products. This guy gets totally smashed on wine and decideds to try the products to try and get some idea's on how to sell them, basicly, get inside a woman's head. So he puts on mascara, lipstick, black head remover, hair moose, tights, waxes his legs and even wears a wonderbra .... then his daughter walks in on him with her boyfriend. As you can imageon, she's mortified, I guess we all would if we walked in on our dad's wearing all these beauty products, so anyway, she slams her bedroom door shut after shouting at him that he never listens to her and doesn't understand her. Long story short, he then falls in the bath, the hair dryer shortly followed.
When he wakes up he finds he can read every woman's mind.

Curse or blessing?
Hmmmm, I think Its a bit of both really, I know that if a guy could read my thoughts he would deffinatly understand me more, he would understand why I act so strangly or say some of the random things that I say, but on the other hand, he would be able to hear all my intermate private thoughts, making them not-so-private anymore.
Wouldn't it be great if he could only read the thoughts we want him to hear. Like when we really need a hug or something, you know, to cheer us up, he would know exactly what to do to make us feel better. Or if he could only hear the thoughts he thought at him, if that makes sense.
You know when someone's talking to you and you think all these sarcastic comments in your head but you don't say them out loud because you know they'll get you in trouble, yeah like that.

So like, If he's walking towards you, and you really really like him and your thinking,
Please look at me! Please say Hi! Please give me some sign that you know that I actually exsit!
He knows to give you a smile and to say hi.

If that was the outcome every time, I would suggest that every boy jumps into the bath with an electric appliance of some sort.

*note- Don't jump in the bath with a hairdryer or something, you won't come out being able to read minds, you might just really hurt yourself....

My week 7th october-11th october

7th October 09

12:08 Noon

Swimming changing rooms

I'm so dissapointed in myself. I could have swam so many more lengths but I caved into my Asmah! GAH! I'm so peeved.

J finally brought back my Twilight DVD but he forgot Hairspray....AGAIN!

I have had many compliments on my hair today, although I'm not entirly sure why. I havn't even bothered to brush it properly so It's rather wavey.

Have had terrible cramp all day and I'm feeling a bit sick. It's nearly Dinner time but I'm not going to eat much because I need to lose some weight. I will stick to my diet this time and do it properly.

Thought that I was geting over M, but who am i kidding? I'm failing miserbly!

10th October09


bedroom at mam's

I'm sick of my mother now like. She's been in a bad mood with me for the past few days because apprenly I'm inconsiderate. I don't think I'm inconsiderate. I think I'm very considerate.

Was watching The X Factor. I think Danni and Cheryl were bang out of order by bringing up things that were in the newspapers. Cheryl was slagging off Kandy Rain for the way they were dressed. Yes, okay, they were dressed very provocitvly and they were in the newspapers for being strippers and stuff, but to be fair, it's a talent compition not a reveiw of the news.

Danni made a comment about Danyl's sexuallity which she really had no right to do.

I slept at Gracie's last night with another friend. We basicly played on batman and ate cold pizza for breakfast, as you do.

On the phone to Shanny and Amy, They want me to include them in my story, I might consider it.

11th October 09


bedroom at mam's

Bobby Shafto Went to Sea

Silver buckels on His Knee

He'll come back and Marry me

Bonny Bobby Shafto

Myself and th famly went to Whitworth Hall today for snday lunch. T'was lovely. I fed the deers that roamed the grounds. They were very cute and Two deers seemed to take a liking to me because they wouldn't let the other deers come neer me for the food.

Mam is a much better mood today. Had to do some major ass kissing. Told her she looked very pretty this morning before we left and pretended to be interested in the wedding fare at Whitworth. I was only really interested in the photography stalls and the owl that is trained to deliever the rings to the best man.

I have been told by my step-father that I'm going insane because I talk to inanimate objects such as the iron, the phone and plants, I also talk to deers and myself. I Explained to him that I'm not going isane, I was born this way.

So, Bobby Shafto. Apprently he never went to sea, he was a member of parliment. Confuzzeled? Yeah I was too. I think he lived some where and fell in love, but then moved elsewhere leaving his love behind. He then married some other lady for her money and had children to her. He then left parliment and the other MPs made up the Bobby Shafto Ryme to taunt him and it kinda stuck, so yeah, theres a useless fact

Thursday, 8 October 2009

My Feet Keep Taking Me To Your Street Because Theres A Chance I'll Meet You

Okay, so not literally, but my thoughts keep taking me to a specific subject.
Read my blogs much? Then you'll know exactly what thought I'm talking about.
No? Okay, I'll clue you in, A certain tall, bluey-green eyed boy that I broke up with a few months ago. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, GET OVER HIM ALREADY!!!! But it's harder than I thought it would be.
I keep remembering every moment we shared and all the funny things that happened around us, like the mini chavs that asked if we had sex...

me: *chokes* no!
Person G: *blushes* .....
mini chavs: are you sure??
me+Person G: *nods*
mini chavs: ahh okay *leaves*
Person G: Oh..My..God...
me: *dies*
Persons : *kisses me*
mini chavs: *From behind bush* GET A ROOM!

or the time we got attacked by a dog in the park, the same day he through his shoes in the stream because of blisters.
or the time that old man came up to us in the park and asked us to open his bottel...which he didn't have with his imagionary dog... i felt awful for him.

oh shut up me.
I never used to know how to describe how I felt for him untill I heard this Panic! song and one of the lines just sums it up
I don't love you, I'm just passing the time.
It's like, I know I don't love him anymore, but when I'm sitting around and thinking, my thoughts land on him, and It's mainly just passing the time by thinking about him.
Weird? Yeah, I thought so too, but mehh...
It's really hard, but I am trying. Really really trying my best, but just, ARGH!

No one told me it was this hard ):

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Racism-It works both ways

*Note- this is a subject that I tend to get worked up about so I apologise in advance if I ramble or rant (:

So we all here about 'black' people being picked on by 'white' people, but we rarely hear about how white people get racist comments thrown at them by black people.
Take school for example, if you ever (EVER) say something potentially hurtful or racist to a person of a different race to you (only if your white mind) you'll be called racist and picked up on by a teacher and you'll be spoken to about how your comments are inapropriate, HOWEVER, if a black person ever says anything potentially hurtful or racist to a white person it is usually looked over and nobody cares.

I only bring this up because of an insitend the other day in PE.
Myself and my friends were playing rounders with some of the muslim lads. We were trying to play properly but it's hard when every member of your team is being called or your having verble abuse thrown at you. I mean, it wasn't paticually racist, there were a few comments that included us being white and what not but nothing too bad. One poor boy on our team was getting hit with the rounders bats by some of the muslim boys, myself and two other girls had various comments said about our weight and the rest of the team also had a few comments about them.

In another situation I would have shouted comments back, because that's just how I am...not too calm in these kinda situations, but because they were the race they are I didn't because I knew for a fine fact that I would have been the one who got told off for being 'racist'.

I'm not racist, not at all, I have many friends from many different ethnic backgrounds but it really annoys me when people turn a blind eye to racism when its the 'whites' being discriminated, it's kinda like no-one cares because were white and their black so therefore it's not is.

Another thing that really annoys me, and this happened in the rounders game too, when people from other countries speak their own language when their around me and my friends when they can blatently speak english. Don't get me wrong, when they're with their friends and family, sure, it's their first language so they have every right to, but when their clearly talking about me or the others in their own language it really pee's me off. This is ENGLAND!! SPEAK ENGLISH! WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN!!!

Okay, rant over.
Sorry if I've offened anyone reading, not that anyone actually reads these things, but these are my veiws, and I would love to know what you think aswell (:

Sunday, 4 October 2009

My Week- 1st October to 4th october.

1st October 09
Having to gaurd the doors in assembly. Will have to do It again tomorrow "/
Lol, lodes of people have just turned up late. Youth Of Christ are here to talk about some Godly thing...

If I fail French I don't care, So long as I pass English, Maths, Science, Geography and music, I'm Happy.

2nd October 09
Bedroom At Mam's House

Getting ready for school - stupid skirt is annoying me and tights are irritating my legs.
Mam is in a bad mood. Matthew got a detention yesterday and I asked if I could phone the works experiance people. She blew up at me and did that thing where she stands in the kitchen and shout horrible things hoping that we're listening...

...We're not.
Having to sit through the same assembly as yesterday.
Shanny is late for school. She slept in, me and Amy woke her up. She was still in her PJs xD
Talking about rights and responsiblities in the world of work. Can't really consentrate because I'm too miffed about mother. She's really bugging me. We're talking about what we do around the house, I could right a list of things that I do that mother just doesn't care about. May stop doing them to see if she acctually notices. Actually, might not, She'll only blow up at me again

Didn't really want to go to Dad's tomorrow but now looking forward to getting away from mother.
Bedroom at Mam's
Just got back from Rangers. Mother is still in an awful mood but I don't really care because I met some amazing people tonight. Ami, Sarah, Brooke and...I think that's it, isn't it? Meh, They were all pretty amazing anyway.
Joined Rangers to get out of the house on a friday night. Not all 15/16 year olds go to Rangers on a Friday night...most go out drinking...

3rd October 09
10:50 am
Family Room at Dad's
At dad's now, have a choice of phone top up, iTunes card or a mystery surprise.
Watching Saturday Kitchen Live and very tempted to snag a chedder biscuit off the top of the fridge. Not sure if I can reach the top of the fridge though, It's very big.
Bedroom at Dad's
Just watched Lord Of The Rings because I'm a nerd like that.
Couldn't help but swoon a little everytime Legolas came on. Orlando Bloom makes a very fitt elf.
Every Time Merry, or Mary or what ever he's called, came on in my head I kinda went Look, it's Charlie off lost! and everytime I saw Sam I thought He has a major crush on Frodo. I swear he must be gay even if he did marry that bar lady with the crazy blonde perm.
While On the suject of Hobit, Does anyone else find Frodo Baggins nice looking in his own strange, little Hobbity way? I mean, apart from the whole hairy feet thing. Seriously, havn't they ever heard of shaving their feet because that's just ridiculous/
Although I must admit, Ever since I watched Lord Of The Rings all those years ago I've wanted to be an elf. Not like the Santa's Little Helper kinda elf, but a nice, tall, mysterious elf. It's Legolas' fault, I've had a crush on him ever since watching the movie.
Another thing I have to point out is... Bilbo Baggins wrote that tale thing right? The Frodo added his own tale of The Lord Of The Rings, aha? So, Frodo leaves the book to Sam. WHAT THE HELL IS SAM GOING TO DO WITH IT????
I mean come on, what's he going to write? "What it's like to be married to a Hairy footed Bar maid and Have two hairy footed children" ???? Doesn't quite have the same ring to it as "Lord Of The Rings"
Okay, Rant over
Apart from the Rant about the stupid laptop which has been syncing my iPod for the past 3-4 Hours...might just leave that for the night...

4th October 09
Bedroom at Dad's
Just got back from bike ride and still don't have thighs of steel. Though, not as tired as last time and only felt like throwing up once. Took different root back. It was very pretty even if there was a bit too many hills to go up.
Note To Self, Follow these rules
  • Go at own pace, stop trying to catch up to fitness fanitic father.
  • Stop worry about what the fitness freaks (Father and Brother) think about Snale Pace.
  • Stop being tempted to stop and push bike (only did it once today on a very steep hill)
  • Stop wanting to change song on iPod. Pick a playlist and stick to it.
  • AND!!! Stop getting pissed off when that gorgeous but arragant boy delbertatly speeds up to pass you then smirks when he see's your all red in the face. Stop facinating about punching him right in the face as he passes.

Also, note to self, sort out anger issues, never realised I have such violent thoughts.