Monday, 31 January 2011

Oh you do make me laugh

So I had a pretty boring day
....until I signed onto formspring!
and I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my life. Honestly, some of the questiosn people ask you are hilarious. They've made my day..if not creeped me out somewhat.

So heres to the anom formspringers, you have good craic

oh...and is it more than one person asking me questions?

Friday, 28 January 2011

Little Hans....okayyy normal

I've just been told off for playing on farmville in college.

Anyhoo. In pyschology I've been learning about Freud and his study on Little Hans.
Basically, Freud was a crack addict who believed that all little boys go through the oedipus complex around the age of 5 (and apperently girls do to, only it has a different name), and while going through this complex little boys will because sexually attracted to their mothers, want to 'get there dad out of the way' and want a bigger 'widdler'.
Freud basically said that the Id (the want want want side of consiousness) of Hans wanted to have sex with his mother, kill his dad and sister and what not, but the Ego of his consiousness was saying "you nutter, you can't possibly do that." and this is why Hans had strange dreams about Girraffs in bed, marrying his mother and plummers.

There is no real reason to why I am blogging about this, only really to point out that from the early age of 5, all boys think with their dicks.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

I wish I could tell you this.

Dear Mam,
Is it really too much to ask to be treated the same as my brother? I know before I moved out I said that I felt second best to him, and the past 4 weeks has reenforced that feeling.

It might seem selfish, or petty, but why didn't you take me out for my birthday? Why didn't you even phone me. All I got was a text, and that was it.
Please don't spin the bullshit that you spent a lot on my birthday. I know my Driving licence was expensive, but you gave my brother that exact amount in money and you took him out for his birthday.
Matthew says that I can't have the best of both worlds, and I would get that if he got the same treatment, but he doesn't. You took him out for his birthday, and when he came over to dads, dad took him out for his birthay. Am I being selfish to want that aswel?

And as for not inviting me to matthew's birthday due. At first, I was pissed off, but now I'm just plain hurt, because you of all people, you, who I spent god knows how long complaining to when Dad took matthew to the football and left me on my own, should know how upset I get when I'm deliberatly excluded. It hurts and you didn't even think to text me to let me know of the plans.

I know that I should probably phone you, or text you to explain all this to you, because despite having all these issues with you, you're still my mother and I still want to have a realtionship with you, but why can't you pick up the phone and do it. After all, I'm still your daughter and you still want to have a relationship with me. I'm sick of being the one to make the effort to get in contact only to have it thrown back into my face.

Do you know how shit it makes you feel watching every girl in your class getting texts off their mothers wishing them luck for the exams and being the only girl staring blankly at her phone, just waiting for it to flash with a good luck text, and still be waiting for it after the exam thinking that it might just be network delay?

Why did you have to take the piss out of my dyslexia at christmas and new year?
Why did you have to degrade me?
Why did you have to hurt me?

your daughter

Monday, 17 January 2011

When life was so simple

Fair enough, when this photo was taken it was all stress stress stress.
But looking back now, it wasn't so hard compaired to life today. I would give anything to be going back to that study every morning, even wearing that uniform, rather than having to live my life now.

Everything was so simple back then

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Okay, here we go...

so for my english coursework I'm having to write a 1000 word literary text about anything I want.

I've called it "Confessions Of A Geordy Lass" Because I thought, what would be easier than writing about my own life? And since I do a blog (unsuccsessfully) I thought it would a relatively good idea.

So as it turns out, I've already started it, and I have every intention of turning it into something big....
....well I say something big, I mean, every week...or month, I am going to put the latest installment up onto my blog.

However, as I have not entered as coursework yet I don't think I'm going to do it yet, just incase they think I've copied it off the internet or something, which is bound to happen :LL

so anyway, Just thought I'd let you know about that if anyone happens to be bothered about that subject.

Why are london buses red???

Well you'd be red to if you had to come every 10 minutes

(makes me laugh every time)

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Harlequin ichthyosis

I spend a lot of time complaining about the many skin conditions I have, Exzma, Dermititous, Psoriasis and Folliciuitous. More than a lot of time, a stupid amount of time. I complain when It flares up, I complain about the medication, I complain that it isn't attractive. In fact, tomorrow I have to go to the doctors because the skin around my eyes has come extreamly painful and imflamed.

But today I re-descovered Harlequin ichthyosis (I'm not sure if that's spelt right). I had heard about it before, well, more like seen someone on the Jeremy Kyle show once who had it, and words cannot describe how guilty I felt when it hit me how hard it must be to live with this condition.

Harlequin ickthyosis is a sever skin condition. It is when the skin of a baby becomes really thick and dry. Where "normal" skin folds (as in the crook of your elbow, knees ect.) Harlequin skin cracks, think about how extreamly dry land cracks, in fact, it cracks pretty much all over, making movement very very hard. The eyes, ears and nose of the baby is very underdeveloped and in some cases not even visible. The eyes are pretty much completely red, and their dry lips are pulled back into a somewhat scary grimace. I'm not going to lie, when I saw a photo of a harlequin baby I was so shocked, I honestly thought that it was some sort of joke that someone had played on photoshop, but now I realise that it is no laughing matter.

I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on this, considering I've only just looked into it, but I know how much I scream and cry in pain when my exzma cracks, I can't begin to imagion how much pain these people must go through daily, and not once have I heard of these people complaining about how much pain they're in.

so henceforth, I am making it my New new years resolution not stop complaining about my skin and make an effort to me more considerate towards others.

Sunday, 2 January 2011


so I feel like crap. I always mess up and take things too far. I didn't mean to hurt him, or offend him, but I did, and as usual I'm being the clingy, needy girlfriend and phoning, texting, emailing the works, just trying to make thing better, and all of my attempts are in vain because he doesn't want to talk to me, which i fair enough because I am a complete and utter bitch, I shouldn't have been so harsh and, just, URGH.

why do i always do this??